View audit results online

Houses with solar panels fitted to the roofs.

Everything retailers need to know about viewing audit results and required rectifications.

Please contact us for enquiries or assistance.

The following information steps you through specific tasks and processes related to the audit section of the Solar Victoria Portal for retailers.

If you encounter any issues when using the portal, you can contact us and we will work through the process with you.

What’s in the audit section of the portal?

The audit section is a one stop shop for your audit information, saving you time and helping you better track your audit results.

In the event that installed systems are found to be non-compliant, the audit section will provide you with a new workflow to more easily manage any rectification work.

Some of the features include:

  • Email notifications – retailers and installers are notified by email when an audit report is uploaded to the portal (the final audit report is also attached to the email). We provide retailers with a link to access the portal so they can see any rectifications required online.
  • Easy access to audit reports – your audit reports will also be stored in the portal and can be downloaded from the portal at any time.
  • Rectifications list – a list of rectifications required for audited installations.
  • Rectification status – the ability to track the status of your rectifications.
  • Ability to upload evidence – easily upload evidence of rectification work completed.

Solar Victoria encourages retailers to share and discuss audit results with installers, to drive continuous improvement and encourage ongoing learning in the solar industry.

How to view your audit results

1. You will receive an email notification with a link to view your audit rectifications in the Solar Victoria Portal.

View your audit results online email

2. Go to the Solar Victoria Portal and enter your login details.

Audit image 2

3. Click on ‘Installations with Audit’ in the top navigation bar to see your audit and rectification information.

Retailers can see all the installations that have audit results uploaded, and the status of the audit.

The audit statuses include:

  • Rectification Required – the final audit report has been received by Solar Victoria and has been sent to the retailer with the rating ‘Needs Rectification’ or ‘Unsafe’
  • Audit Passed – the final audit report is received by Solar Victoria and has been sent to the retailer with rating ‘Adequate or ‘Improvement identified’
  • Under Review – the retailer has submitted their response from ‘Complete Rectification’ tab
  • Additional Information Required – Solar Victoria has reviewed the rectification response and has requested additional information
  • Rectification Completed – Solar Victoria has reviewed and approved the rectification response from the retailer
  • Rectification Overdue – the retailer has not responded within 30 days from the first notice regarding the rectifications that need to be completed
  • Under Investigation – the retailer has not responded to the rectification reminder notice
  • Pending Further Action – the rectification has not been completed for more than 62 days
  • Extension Provided – Retailer has contacted Solar Victoria and requested an extension

If a retailer has issues with the audit report findings, these should be addressed with TechSafe Australia, the independent auditor for the Solar Homes Program, during the review period. For more information, see Audits.

Screenshot showing the 'installations with audit' tab in the poral

4. Download your audit report by clicking on ‘View File’ in the ‘Documentation’ field to the right.

Retailers can download audit reports at any time for installations with audit results.

Audit portal - Download your results

How to respond to audit rectifications

Retailers can now respond to rectifications in the Solar Victoria Portal.

When completing rectification information, you can save and exit at any time – but you must come back later to complete the required information and submit.

1. If the status of an installation is ‘Rectification Required’, click on the ‘Audit number’ to view or edit the audit and rectification record.

From here, retailers can add information about the steps taken to complete rectifications and ensure installations are compliant.

  • The ‘Draft Audit Rating’ reflects the audit result from TechSafe Australia that the retailer has already received, prior to the final audit result being uploaded to the portal.
  • The ‘Final Audit Rating’ will tell you your final audit result and outline necessary rectifications.
  • The ‘Due Date’ will tell you when all rectifications need to be completed by.
  • The ‘Rectification Items’ list shows you the individual rectifications that need to be made.

When rectifications have been completed on the installation, you can proceed to the next step.

Audit portal - complete rectifications from homepage

2. Click on the blue ‘Complete Rectification’ button to add rectification information to the portal.

When reviewing rectification items on the ‘Review Rectification Items’ tab, hover over the ‘i’ icon to see the specifics of that rectification issue, or view guidance about what information you should be entering.

In the ‘Response’ section, explain how you have rectified the identified issue. Upload files that provide evidence for this issue being rectified. Evidence could be photos of the new products or rectifications performed, that clearly demonstrate that the item has now been rectified.

Click next.

Audit image 5

3. Note the administrative details of the rectification, what steps will be taken to ensure future installations are compliant and upload the Certificate of Electrical Safety (if applicable).

On the ‘Audit Response’ tab:

  • Include the date rectifications were performed. If rectification works were completed over a number of days enter the last day. In accordance to clause 38 of the Retailer Terms and Conditions, rectification work to address audit findings must be completed within one month of notification.
  • Include the Solar Victoria approved installer who completed the rectification. If a non-Solar Victoria approved installer has completed the rectification, please provide a reason why.
  • Note one key step you will take to ensure future installations are compliant. Solar Victoria expects retailers to use the findings from audits to improve the safety and quality of future installations.
  • If a new Certificate of Electrical Safety was issued post-rectification, you will need to upload the new certificate. If a new Certificate of Electrical Safety was not issued, please explain why it was not required. If you are unsure as to whether a CES is required refer to the Energy Safe Victoria website for further information.

Click next.

Audit image 6

4. Review and confirm rectification details and click on the ‘Submit’ button.

Audit image 6

Timelines for audit rectifications

If an audit has been classified as “unsafe” or “needs rectification”:

  • The final report will be sent by Solar Victoria along with a rectification notice advising that there is 30 days to rectify identified issues
  • The retailer must contact the customer within seven days to arrange a time to complete any rectification works
  • Once the retailer has completed the rectification works, they must upload evidence to the portal
  • Solar Victoria will then review the provided evidence and change the job status to rectification complete
  • If Solar Victoria has any follow-up questions, the status of the audit will be changed to “Additional information required” and we will contact the retailer to advise what information is needed. Any additional information required will need to be submitted to Solar Victoria via our Quality Assurance team. This information cannot be uploaded to the portal.


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