Is your battery virtual power plant ready?

When researching solar batteries, consider the benefits of joining a Virtual Power Plant (VPP).

If you’re interested in joining a VPP now or in the future, you’ll need to choose a compatible solar battery.

Why join a VPP?

By joining a VPP you can connect with other batteries and share energy within a network. Bringing together storage capability in this way means VPP providers can help maintain reliable power supply in the community.

There are financial and environmental benefits to joining a VPP.

If the VPP operator draws on your battery you’re likely to be paid your standard solar feed-in-tariff or even a higher rate. Many VPP providers offer extra incentives, such as signup bonuses, discounts on installation, or guarantees that you won’t have to pay energy bills for up to five years. All this can help you recoup the upfront costs of your battery. In turn, VPP providers benefit by earning money through providing power and grid stabilisation services during peak periods.

What is a VPP-ready battery?

Battery systems that are ‘VPP ready’ meet certain technology requirements including:

  • being able to respond to remote requests to charge/discharge the battery
  • being able to communicate state of charge, voltage and measure power flow at battery terminals
  • being able to assist network security and reliability.

How to choose a VPP-ready battery

All the batteries on Solar Victoria’s product list are VPP capable. If you’re applying for our interest-free solar battery loan, you must choose from this list. These systems have been assessed for capabilities including performance, safety, internet accessibility, security, remote registration, monitoring and control, which enables batteries to provide network support services and participate in virtual power plants.

Be aware that many VPP programs require specific batteries that meet their eligibility criteria. If you are considering joining a VPP, compare offers to find one that suits your home and budget and check their battery requirements. The Australian Energy Market Commission compares details of available VPP offers, including which programs require a specific battery and which don’t.

If you are still unsure, talk to your authorised solar retailer about your battery’s suitability for VPP programs.


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