Section 2: What rebates and incentives are available to Victorian businesses for solar electricity systems?

Your new system is also eligible for Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs).

Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs)

Your new system is also eligible for Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs). This is effectively a payment made to purchasers of small renewable energy systems for the value of the emissions reduction they create. The quoted price of the system from your installer will have the STC discount included in the final price.

Selling your surplus electricity with Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs)

Any excess electricity generated throughout the day can be sold to the grid through your electricity retailer for a feed-in tariff, which is a fixed rate paid to solar users per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity exported to the grid. Feed-in tariffs vary across states and territories, between retailers, and in some states, even across distribution networks.

Not everyone will be able to feed excess energy into the grid and your local distribution network service provider should inform you if this is the case.

Businesses should consider the tax implications of any revenue received from feed-in tariffs.

It’s a good idea to investigate whether you will be able to feed excess energy into the grid before buying a system. Your solar retailer should discuss any constraints on exporting energy into the grid with you as part of the quote process.

Victoria has minimum tariffs set every financial year by the Essential Services Commission, and electricity retailers must pay these or higher rates. Find out more about Victoria’s feed-in tariffs at the Essential Services Commission website(opens in a new window).

Compare offers from retailers at Victoria’s Energy Compare website(opens in a new window).
